For some time now, I've been in awe of my daughter's musical ability (perhaps fueled by my musical disability). She started playing recorder when she was in 2nd grade and quickly mastered three different sizes, blew through recitals, plays and even a wedding with ease. She played piano for a few years and it was quite an ordeal to get her to practice just one day a week. It didn't help that at some point during her weekly lesson, the instructor would inevitably say "I can tell you have really practiced this piece" when Marky hadn't lifted the dusty cover off the keys since her last lesson.
She is now on her third year of playing cello in the school orchestra. She has a habit of conveniently leaving her cello at school so she can't practice. Even when she brings it home, she puts off practicing, hoping I will forget or by the time I remember it will be too late and time for bed. So, when we heard Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble would be at the Providence Performing Arts Center for just one show and Marky BEGGED me to get tickets, I saw is as bargaining tool and struck a deal. Marky pinkie promised that she would practice every day after school if I would get tickets. As luck would have it, I was able to get one of the last remaining pairs of tickets. We had a wonderful time and so far, Marky has kept up her end of the deal (although she has convinced me that once she leaves school on Friday, it is actually the weekend and I had told her she could take weekends off). As an added bonus, I gained something else from the deal...a lovely evening with my sweet daughter (fortunately, she had left all the pre-teen angst, sassiness and moodiness at home that evening.... I often wonder if we will both survive these middle school years).

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