Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy 2009! and New Year's Resolutions....

Rabbit, rabbit... and Happy 2009! I had a quiet night at home with the kids, happy to stay off the roads, given the fresh snowfall, heavy winds, plummeting temperatures and I'm sure many drivers out there who likely had bit too much of the bubbly.

Every year I make a few resolutions, but admittedly... never keep them for long. I have not completely given up hope, so here it goes... My 2009 Resolutions:

1. After a blogging hiatus (I haven't blogged since the summer!), I resolve to post regularly... and by that I'm striving for twice a month (I do have to keep these realistic, afterall. It was quite an ordeal just to get logged on to this account again. I had forgotten my gmail address and password, but with a little help from a friend, here I am again.... Thanks, Steph).

2. I resolve to walk a minimum of 2 miles a day at least 5 times a week (which, due to inclement weather, will have to be on a treadmill and I'm waiting for a few strong men to deliver one from my parents' basement to mine, so I am quickly in danger of breaking this one already).

3. I resolve to reconnect with two old friends (yet to be named), friends I have not seen or spoken to in at least 10 years. This one might be tricky... after losing touch with someone for over a decade, it might be hard to track someone down, but the internet should expedite my search.

...And I will leave it at those 3. Any more than that and I will set myself up for failure (unless, of course, I make them easy as 'Must consume chocolate daily).


Stephanie said...

Happy New Year! These are good resolutions. I will be helping out by bugging the crap out of you if you fail to blog by mid-month :)

Stephanie said...

I want to see pictures of your new throne!